Traditional Worship Service

Worship at Providence on Sunday Morning:  To meet the worship needs of multiple generations, Providence offers multiple services. On Sunday morning, our morning worship lineup includes two worship services as well as a time for Bible study and small group studies.

Our first worship service, First Light, starts at 8:30 AM (gathering begins at 8:15 AM) and offers a newer blend of praise and worship music plus an offering of some older songs, with an acoustic blend of guitars, keyboard, mandolin, all led by our First Light Praise Band.

Our Sunday morning Bible study / small groups meet after the First Light service from 9:30 – 10:15 AM.  We offer four adult study classes plus two youth classes (and a nursery as needed).

Our Traditional Service follows at 10:30 AM.  Our traditional service offers a blend of hymns and contemporary praise and worship music, and musical offerings from our choir, soloists, and our Praise Band made up of brass instruments.  Our Traditional Service offers a Children’s Sermon, Children’s Church (ages 8 and under), and a nursery.  Causal dress is welcome at all services.

Providence also offers annual Revival Services in the spring (Sunday morning, plus 4 nights, with guest speakers and lots of special music).  Providence also holds its annual Easter Sunrise Service at the Dan Nicholas Park Amphitheater followed by a hardy breakfast served up by our United Methodist Men’s group at the church fellowship building with the entire community invited to join us!  And, Providence participates in several community-wide worship gatherings, including a joint Thanksgiving Eve Service and Fifth Sunday Hymn Singing’s with other area churches.

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March 2007 - New Windows Installed